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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 01:56 AM IST

This is how Daniel Webber won Sunny Leone's heart with 24 red roses

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This is how Daniel Webber won Sunny Leone's heart with 24 red roses Leone's rise from a porn star to mainstream Bollywood actress is a tale of grit winning against all odds. The saga of her romantic life is also a curious one.

Sunny Leone and her husband Daniel Webber are often hailed by many as one of the most romantic off screen couples. Their incredible chemistry, caring gestures to each other and their stunning looks make them hot favorites of tabloid gossips.

Leone's rise from a porn star to mainstream Bollywood actress is a tale of grit winning against all odds. The saga of her romantic life is also a curious one.

But many are not aware of a sad chapter in Leone's life which saw her in a state of depression and mental disarray. But when Webber entered her life with 24 charming red roses everything changed.

The courtship of Leone and Webber and their subsequent marriage is as romantic as a fairy tale that has enough ingredients for an immensely rich romantic film.

The two had met each other at a night party in Los Angeles eleven years ago, and it was love at first sight for Webber. Leone says she had ignored him in the initial days of their dating. Leone, at that point of time, was fighting depression following the demise of her mother, and was in no mood to go for a romantic fling.

So she was not very keen when Webber invited her for a later date and had even turned up late for that rendezvous. But Webber surprised her by gifting 24 red roses.

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