In Thiruvananthapuram's Chalai market, the price of a single leaf has risen to Rs 7, up from Rs 4 just a month ago, with a bundle of 200 leaves now costing around Rs 1,400.
It contains fibre in abundance and is quite delicious if cooked well.
The widely circulated visualstriggered a protest among farmers against the forest department.
This satisfying dish is prepared using a steam cooking method rather than traditional frying.
The oil-free snack is cooked in steam.
As plantains are store houses of vitamin C, it helps in boosting immunity.
Kids are sure to love this delicious snack.
You can easily pair this easy-to-make veggie version of fish fry with a bowl of rice or other dishes.
Plantain stems are great source of healthy fibres.
The acidic nature of the Nendran banana increases the sugar levels.