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Last Updated Friday December 11 2020 09:18 AM IST

Stage set for direct contest between Kovind and Meira

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Stage set for direct contest between Kovind and Meira

New Delhi: The stage is set for a direct contest between the ruling NDA's presidential nominee Ram Nath Kovind and the opposition-backed Meira Kumar for the country's top constitutional post.

Saturday was the last day for withdrawal of nominations for the presidential election scheduled for July 17.

Barring Kovind and opposition candidate Kumar, the nominations of over 90 other candidates who wanted to be in the race for the post of president have been rejected during the scrutiny process.

Members of Parliament will cast their votes using green-colored ballot papers, while MLAs who vote in the presidential election will used pink-colored ballots.

The process of printing ballot papers will begin Monday. The different colors of the papers will help the returning officer count the votes based on the value.

Total value of the electoral college is 10,98,903.

The ballot boxes will be brought to Delhi for counting on July 20.

Read more: Presidential election is battle of ideology and principles: Sonia Gandhi

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