Malayalam cinema’s tryst with technology began much before the 1980s. The biggest experiments were conducted by Navodaya Studio, with Navodaya Appachan at the helm.
The movie revolves around the unjust 'chaapa' system, which existed in Mattancherry port.
Onmanorama catches up with P Sivaraj who acted in both the film and the play.
Producer Listin Stephen said, 'Thuramukham' will be one of the greatest films in the history of Malayalam cinema.
The Cinematographer-director talks about his latest film ‘Thuramukham’, which is all set to hit theatres and the changing trends in cinema.
'Thuramukham' is based on the worker's struggle against the Chappa system, which was widely practiced in the Mattancherry harbour in the 1940s and 50s
The noir movie narrates the story of a stray incident of crime committed in Kerala by culprits from other states.
Written by Sibi Thomas and Sreejith Divakaran the movie exudes all the heat and dust characteristic of Rajeev Ravi movies.
The movie directed by Rajeev Ravi revolves around the Chappa system which existed in the coastal areas of Cochin in the 1920s to 40s.
Thuramukham is Rajeev Ravi's comeback as a director after five years.